

Soviet was completed whilst Adrian was formerly employed. Soviet wanted to revolutionise the brand appeal in its retail environment from a 90’s grunge industrial look to a more international retail platform.

A unique form language was defined in the puzzle block, derived from the concept of Russian constructivism – the whole is made up of applied parts. This allowed a distinctly Soviet environment to be created with forms and shapes that the brand could take ownership of. Light walls, scoop walls and mobile puzzle tables make up a white slick interior, whilst overhead lighting bulkheads and light clusters highlight furniture beneath.

An acrylic red ribbon divider moves up and down the light wall to define ranges of clothing and merchandise. A seating area at the rear of the store with a magnetic wall helped display seasonal ranges to customers waiting for a change room. A large format environmental graphic behind the POS evokes a specific brand tone of voice.

A distinctly Soviet environment was created with forms and shapes that and this branding was translated into signage, label shapes and advertising formats.