Design and layout is absolutely key to a successful dining experience. Not just for restaurant owners but also for diners seeking a unique and memorable atmosphere. Specialist professional experience and creative design know-how are essential to transforming an empty space into an authentic, expression of inspired, restaurant branding.
Brand DNA offers affordable, versatile methods of restaurant design in Africa, from the ground up or a refurbishment of an existing restaurant space. Our expert design team carefully consider all the vital components, of both form and function. We carefully assemble a number of design solutions aimed at harmoniously blending functionality with the right tone for relaxed leisure dining.
Authentic creativity is important to the consumer and crucial to ensure success. Personality helps customers to become emotionally attached to a brand. Over the years, our experienced restaurant design team at Brand DNA have built an extensive knowledge of projects, proprietors and their patrons. Our design solutions are always crafted to ensure your vision is fully realised to present a clear and powerful brand image.
We take on all aspects of the design process to project completion, from the original drawings, to media renderings, both inside and out. Innovation and versatility drive our creativity as key service providers of the BrandDNA offering to the restaurant industry. BrandDNA will work closely with you to develop unique solutions customised to your brand and business needs – from a local independent such as Katunda wine shop and restaurant to a global fast-food chain, such as KFC. Whatever the size or scale, we are always committed to staying within budget.
Turn your vision to a living experience. Call BrandDNA +27114827557 or Contact Us HERE[/text_output]